********Major spoilers below for The Wire, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Torchwood, Lost, Sesame Street and Scrubs********

********Major spoilers below for The Wire, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Torchwood, Lost, Sesame Street and Scrubs********
What tv deaths shocked/affected you most?
Off the top of my head:
- Stringer Bell & D'Angelo Barksdale (The Wire) (Poor Wallace too, but its sad whenever a kid dies on that show).
- Wash (Firefly) I know he kicked it in the movie, but still...
- Dualla & Cally (Battlestar Galatica)
- Tosh, Owen, & Ianto (Torchwood)
- Charlie (Lost)
- Laverne & Ben (Scrubs)
- That goldfish (Mr Rogers Neighborhood)
- Donna (Doctor Who) she may as well be dead! Russel T Davies DIAF!
- Dr Hooper (Sesame Street) Also, he wasn't a character so much as the heart of a show, but Jim Hensen was so sad. Especially when Big Bird sang at his funeral.
P.S. I don't count characters who die and come back like a million times (here's looking at you cast of Supernatural, Buffy, and XFiles).