Boring Facts About Me
Hmm... Where to start, I was born in London, Ontario and have lived most of my life in Southeastern Ontario, Canada. I've also lived in Paris, France. I also frequently visited family in Alabama as a child and have somewhat of an affinity for the southern United States, though I'm sure they don't really have an affinity for me as I am a pro-coice, feminist, libber who kisses other girls in a sexy way and loves Harry Potter.
I currently live in Downtown Ottawa. My birthday is September 30th, 1988. (I wonder if I should say "my birthday was"?) In any case, that's when I was born, which makes me a Libra and a Dragon in Chinese Zodiac. (Yes, I'm one of "those" people.) I'm a stereotypical Libra and Dragon, so if you want to know if you'd be able to be friends with me, then if you wiki those two things then you should probably get a somewhat accurate image of my personality.
Life Stuff
As a kid I really loved horseback riding and rode pretty much every weekend of my life until young adolescence when I had a pretty bad fall and really hurt myself. I'm better now and would really love to get back into horseback riding, but now I live in the city, far from any horses. Not to mention all those tuition fees and living expenses don't really allow me to indulge in the sport.
I also went on exchange to Paris, France when I was in high school and as a result, I've learned French. Completely useless Parisian French which is no use to me in Canada. I've been back on this side of the pond for a few years now and my French is leaving me slowly. I should take a class or something.
The Girl
I'm shortish, chubbyish and dark blondish... I'm not anything really, just -ish. I have a diva side to me which loves shoes, fashion, and interior decoration. I wish I was domestic and I wish I could bake/knit/sew... but I can't. Until this summer, I've only had one long term relationship in my whole life, and a ton of short-term/non-term relationships. I am pretty sure I'm bisexual, but one can never know these days. I currently happily single.
The Adventurer

I crave nothing more than the experience. I love exploration, discovery, and adventure. I love going to new places and living amongst new cultures. I also love exploring an ancient place or a sacred place all by myself. (Like an old temple or a jungle grove.) I love travel more than anything in my life. It bothers me that there are so many countries in the world and I have only been to a handful of them. I want to go to every continent before I die.
I hope to go to Asia in the near future. I'd love to return to Europe and Mexico too. (P.S. I know Mexico isn't a continent, but I still love it.) I haven't been to South/Central America yet and I'd love to! I've always been interested in visiting Africa, but I will wait until some cause takes me there.
EDIT: I just went on a bit of a European adventure Christmas '08 with my ex-boyfriend. We went to the U.K., Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Norway (where he lived). It was an amazing experience!
The Nerd/Fangirl

I really am quite a nerd. I love Sci Fi movies sooo much. Robots fascinate me. My favourite movie is Logan's Run. I'm not 100% tech savvy... but I do love technology once I learn to use it. I also love the old Batman tv series, the original Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, The X-Files, etc.
I'm also quite fangirly about The Office, Jon Stewart, Nina Simone, The Sims 2, and Tarantino Flicks...

I live in Downtown Ottawa, so if you want to go out for coffee or something, email me at
silverwyd (at) gmail (dot) com.
You can also contact me at:
1 people had something to say:
I was born in Africa (Angola) and presently live in Portugal. I am an anthropologist, who loves to write (sometimes in english) and to take photographs. Reading your profile I saw we have many things in common (apart from being both born in September), and hope to read your blog with a little more attention. Hope you "visit" me also. I aded you as a favorite in VerveEarth and left you some comments... See you soon.
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