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I have pulled a muscle in my lower back and I am feeling it babe. It is aching so much, and it's going down my leg aswell. (Not ciatic Sp?). I'm pretty sure it was because I barely pulled a stretch or 4 a day in Mexico, and now I'm jumping back into the old routine, probably building up lactic acid or whatever. Well, I'm going to have to build up that stretchiness again I guess.

I just watched Miami Ink for a few hours while I was doing some homework, and I am in love with those boys. They make my day. Unfortunately, as Alysson said earlier today, 'it gives me tattoo cravings'. I love to be drawn on. It's like getting a massage or my hair done or something. I think perhaps that I love these things because I'm craving physical contact. (Btw, I'm trying to upload some of her artwork from my phone right now. We'll see how it works.)

Well, I must head to bed. I came online with several notions in my head that I needed to get out into the world, but they seem to have all floated away out the end of my fingertips as I typed out more menial things (like aches and pains.)

I'm going to get those pictures online tonight, but I'm actually probably heading to bed very soon. Plus, I'm disturbing an ancient ladybug's slumber and I don't feel right about it. G'night loves.
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*Sigh* is there anything better in life than good guacamole? Really? Is there? Damn, my mom makes good guacamole.

Well, today I went to school. I went to bed at a decent hour last night, and had a thoroughly enjoyable day. (Despite it being a Monday.) My English teacher is on a Nicotine patch, but the woman might as well be going cold turkey. Everyone was grumpy today besides me.

Marie came at lunch and she showed me Jordan's wedding pictures. (That was odd.) Then we went to Tim Horton's and met up with some people at a pizza place a few blocks away.
Marie is leaving for Calgary at the end of the week and I'm going to miss her face off. Hopefully we are going out Friday. She needs a change of scenery. It'll do her so much good to go on a wee adventure. Plus she needs to see her lovey dovey as well. She has a good lovey dovey... all mine have been crazy. Perhaps I need a good one. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure. Plus, right now I'm not really excepting white lovey doveys, and on account of my current location, I may be a bit lonely.

Well, that is all for now. I have a few hundred pages of text book to read tonight, and I better get a move on.

Plus, I'm updating myspace blog now... Even though I hate it's bloody guts.