punch related post popped up over at Deus Ex Malcontent.I have been checking back the past day or so to see reactions on the old post. They mainly depress me, apparently I'm sexist for thinking violence against men is wrong and I have a "stick up my ass". It doesn't help that Chez only seems to stop by to feed the trolls and not respond to people with actual comments about the post.
His new argument seems to be that, while violence amongst humans is wrong, in this instance it is hilarious because the participants are
subhuman. You heard me. I had a huge ass comment typed up and was ready to hit "post" when I decided to heed my own advice and not "feed the trolls" as it were. It would be the same misogynist assholes responded who posted such gems as:
"...some women will push and push and push and push men until they finally snap, safe in the knowledge that no man would ever hit a woman, and then play victim when someone finally has enough of their shit. The lesson is: If you're a loud mouthed idiot, don't be surprised when somebody shuts you up."
For the record, yes, I do have a stick up my ass about violence against women. I've made it clear that I am disgusted by violence against men as well, but I do have a particular tendency to dislike violence against women, well spotted.
What is scary about this incident is that he stole her drink and she got pissed and then he hit her. If I was at a bar and a dude stole my drink, I'd be pretty mad. I think most people would. Even if this woman is "subhuman", if regular old humans like you or I did it, we'd be the one knocked to the ground.
I don't watch a lot of reality tv so maybe I'm not aware of their subhuman status or as desensitized to the violence, but I can say that no violence happens in a vacuum. Its not sexist to say that there are certain implications socially and historically when a man hits a woman as opposed to when he hits another man. (Both acts are wrong, let me be clear.)
On the big picture level, there is a significance for women. We have to struggle to get paid the same as men, we have to worry about some psychopath raping us on the walk home after dark, we read about our sisters in times of war being used as vehicles of psychological warfare....
When we see a bunch of people (white men usually) laughing and rationalizing their amusement at the sight of a woman getting punched in the face and then read about how she deserved it in a myriad of ways, there is no way we can feel safe or comfortable.
Violence against women is not something to be quiet about. It is not something to shirk around. It is not "hilarious" no matter who is hitting who, no matter where they are from, what colour their skin is, their level of education, their bank account, their size, or the fact that they signed up to do a reality show.