I have my resumes made up and I've applied to a bunch of places in Rideau via Monster.ca (the ones that don't accept resumes in person) and also FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience Program) . All the hospitals involve a bus ride so I have to find a free open day to bus to them all.
Right now I'm in bed reading my stuff for my feminism class, and Boris is sleeping on one side and Olivia is on the other trying to play with him. It's really cute. Also, she has a scrape on her nose and it makes her look even cuter. I poke it and she goes cross-eyed. hahah.
In other news, the copy of The Wizard of Earthsea I ordered from Chapters came today. The kitties love the box. I tried to take pictures but the free camera that came with my printer is sub-par. When I take a picture with it, it's like in the olden days when whatever you were taking a picture of had to stay still for 7 minutes or else it would be a blur.
I've been trying to take that organic Nighty Night tea to help me get back onto a regular sleeping schedule (which I dislike because I really like being nocturnal) but it gives me horrific nightmares. I honestly haven't had a nightmare in FOREVER because I'm a pretty lucid dreamer. It's so weird. I think it's because of the catnip. There is also hops in this tea which has a more druggy/groggy effect. I will just take chamomile because it has no ill effects and it's pretty relaxing.
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