This is so frustrating. This is my second month of apartment hunting. I've applied to countless places and seen SO MANY apartments. Its so disappointing. It really makes me not want to leave this apartment. I have no choice though. Please Doctor Who/God/Morgan Freeman: Let me find a decent 1 bedroom apartment within 15 minutes walking distance to the school for under $850 (including utilities)... PLEASE! I saw two apartments this morning. One was FABULOUS and perfect in everyway except another couple applied for it already. I'm next if their credit check or something falls through. :( BOO URNS.
Then I saw another place in a highrise which was very spacious and bright but not as well-maintained as I'd like. The windows panes were metal too. UGLY. I'd have to have some really nice window treatments going on. And the balcony felt as if it was going to crumble under my feet. Very nerve wracking. I spent the next hour wandering up and down each street in Sandy Hill (on the Rideau side of Laurier). I called countless places and left messages so hopefully a bunch of those will get back to me. Now tomorrow I'm seeing three apartments in the span of an hour. One at 3:30pm, one at 4:15pm, and another at 5pm. At least they are all in the same neighbourhood. I have a feeling that they will all be a bit sketchy.
In other news, caught up with Flight of the Conchords last night and downloaded Star Treks 2&4. I will watch them alone this afternoon like a losaaaar.





And lastly but not leastly(??) SHORT SHORTS. Jemaine peen was very prevalent throughout this episode. I'd Garfunkle him anyday!
1 people had something to say:
flight of the conchords are awesome, hahah. bret is hot with glasses :D:D
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