So Alysson is here finally. And I'm sooooo unbelievably happy. She came over last night and her, Meredith, and I had a lovely fun drinkfest. Meredith went to work this morning and Alysson went to her first class. I luckily don't have to work until 4pm so I had time to nurse my hangover (which I have only had once or twice before). I went to the bus stop with them and then went to Rideau and picked up a little housewarming gift for Alysson. Then I wandered home and talked to my mom on the phone a bit. Then I staggered across the street and picked up some nice hot soup and a steaming hot green tea. I visited with the girls who work there and we talked about how nice the neighbourhood is and how strong the community was blah blah blah... Anyway, then I stumbled back upstairs and devoured my chunky wonderful soup and the toast. (They packed it in a paper lunch bag for me, how cute!!) Anyway, I've been watching National Geographic all morning. Except for the mocking Curves commercials, I've quite enjoyed it.
I should probably give myself some cold shower time to get ready for work but a) I'll put it off until the last minute like I always do and b) I'm watching
The Battleships (Covering the napoleonic wars, the civil war, and the hms deadnought). Before that I watched
Mafia Women (Women connected to the criminal underworld talk about their duties) and before that I watched
Wild Indonesia..... All in all, good tv.
Ooo! My cell phone rang once and then stopped ringing! WHO WAS IT!??
Also, I heard a low flying plane today and it was deafening. I was so used to it growing up near the military base, but now it's weird.
Also, check out the Bob Dylan Message Generator (via
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