He's always been my number one. He always will be. There is something about the Scotch bastard that I just love. Maybe it's his eyes or his half smile that just sets me at ease. To me he is perfection. Not thin not fat not muscley not wirey. Not GORGEOUS not ugly not plain. He doesn't look overly old he doesn't look very young. He is secure in his masculinity. He's silly, confident, spontaneous, adventurous... I don't even know where to stop.

2. Russell Brand

He's hilarious. He's a self-righteous cunt. He probably thinks he's way more important than he actually is... but he has this sex appeal that is hard to describe. (P.S. I found an unflattering picture

3. Noel Fielding

He's a bigger whore than me and looks the part. He plays my twin Vince Noir... We're like budgies. He's a bit wirey, but forgiveably so. I pretty much would shag him for his hilariousness. Maybe if he sang me a song... Did a little dance (scratch that, he's a horific dancer). Unfortunately he's dating (IMO) the fugliest girl known to man, and when an adorable celebrity guy does that, odds are he's gayer than the gay is long.

Also, if we shagged I'd make him talk like Old Greg... A hottie in his/her own right, despite the downstairs mixup.

4. Adam Baldwin

Oh my god I love him. I can't tell anyone how much I love him. He's enormous bod, he's gruff angry voice. This one time he was on Bones and Annie and I called eachother instantly to discuss it... Meredith was upset.
5. John Krasinski

The adorable, dorky, everyman who plays Jim and "that adorable, dorky, everyman" in a million crappy romcoms. Something about him is just... GAH. When Ewan is gone, JKras will take over as my perfect dream guy.

6. Colin Firth

Of all the men on my shag list, Colin is on my "marryable" list. He is what all the other men are on this list (except he probably isn't violent, has no trace of glam in him, and can't talk like The Voice of Jazz). He is mature is what I'm trying to say, yet still has a small tightwad english boy inside him.

7. Bruce Campbell

Nuff said... Ahoy...
8. David Bowie

"He has the amulet! He is the chosen one!"

He's biting a bum here

9. Nathan Fillion

He's another everyman on my list. Also, he has tight pants and has a visibly ENORMOUS package. Maybe he's on the marryable list too.

10. Colin Farrell

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