I read a lot of really insightful, funny, active, intelligent blogs. I like to check my "trends" on google reader to see what I'm reading the most of. I'm always ashamed of what my number one is. Here is my top 15 this month. (I have 60, so to crack my top 15 is a feat.)

15. Pioneer Woman
14. Totally Looks Like
13. Penny Arcade
12. Graph Jam
11. Joystiq

10. Cute Overload
9. Deus Ex Malcontent
8. Spring 4 Sims
7. Geek Sugar
6. Apartment Therapy

5. Feministing
4. Mental Floss
3. Pajiba
2. Lifehacker

AND NUMBER 1???? I'm sure you've guessed it. God I feel horrible admitting this.

1. Perez Hilton

I have to go to sleep now because I can hear Joel snoring which is usually a good cue that its past my bed time. I'm sorry I didn't link to all the blogs but I guarantee if you put them into google and hit "I'm feeling lucky" they'll come up.

2 people had something to say:

HannahSpring said...

Oh, my site is 8th! How cool is that? XD Thanks a lot! :)

Amanda said...

No worries. :)