I finally watched the new Castle Halloween special. It was amazing and chock full of juicy references. The very beginning was bittersweet- seeing Nathan Fillion in the old brown coat again. Then hearing his daughter reply: "Did you wear that five years ago? Isn't it time to move on?" At the end of the episode there was also a reference to past roles of the actors who play the detectives which I dug- especially Jon Huertas as I was a HUGE fan of Generation Kill. Here are some screen grabs.

Cute guys...

Ohhhh Captain Tightpants. When will you grace my dreams again!?
Castle also pulled a bizarre, yet adorable face in the morgue. Yeah, in the morgue...

I'm not sure, but I think that he does a Doctor Horrible laugh as well.

That cute scene involves him carving pumpkins with his daughter while she begs to be allowed to go to a seniors party! (GRADE TWELVES!) I nominate Richard Castle as best parent on tv because his daughter calls him and he saves her and her friend from a spiked punch debacle. Alexis fares better then her friend.

Fatherly hero Castle is so dreamy.
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