I thought Jersey Shore was hilarious and all the losers on it were pathetic enough to watch for entertainment. On Pajiba Love they link to a gif of one of the chicks getting punched hard in the face at a club.

Call me sensitive, but seeing a person getting clocked in the face just isn't that funny- even if they are annoying. Reading the comments at Pajiba and Warming Glow disappoint me just as much as the act itself. I get that she was annoying and probably had custody of the 8 brain cells the cast share amongst them for the night, but I can't understand any of the comments... Obviously, I made my feelings about violence known in this post.

I was shocked watching the gif, but reading some of the comments actually made me mist up.

  • "Violence against women is never funny, unless that woman is a gigantic douchebag. In which case, BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  • "The Jersey Shore gif is a gorgeous Chanukah present to the world."
  • "Only minor fault with this … I wish he stepped into the punch a little more."
  • "Did you see her hat? She was asking for it."
  • "This the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. Look! He’s punching her again! Hee hee!"
  • "The hair flying might be my favorite part."
  • "how many times have I wished I had the balls to pull this exact move on some loudmouth beeotch. I love the ghetto hand gestures she’s giving just one second before the bomb goes off…"
Here's a comment for you: FUCK ALL OF YOU!

**If you want to comment and defend them, do me a favour and just never fucking talk to me. Any argument along the lines of: "its okay that she was punched in the face because..." is just not worthy of my fucking time.

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